Standing up for jobs and growth at New York small businesses

New York’s local economies are at a crossroads…

Rising costs, an unstable economy, and a hostile business environment have made it harder than ever to start, manage, or grow a small local business in New York. Small businesses are the lifeblood of New York’s economy, employing millions of New Yorkers and sustaining local communities hard hit by declining tax bases and corporate relocations. Without the jobs local small businesses provide, many communities would be driven to the brink of failure. That’s where New Yorkers for Local Businesses (NYLB) comes in… advocating for policies to keep New Yorkers employed and help small businesses thrive.

About New Yorkers for Local Businesses

New Yorkers for Local Businesses is a statewide coalition of small business workers, managers, and like-minded organizations that are fighting for policies that will create jobs, save jobs, and make New York more affordable. Our goal is to uplift and strengthen small businesses, which are the foundation of local economies across the state.

What New Yorkers are saying

(December 2023 NY Survey Conducted by Echelon Insights)

of New Yorkers are concerned about rising food costs.


of New Yorkers are concerned about lost jobs throughout the state.


of New Yorkers OPPOSE legislation that would raise costs for employers and force them to cut restaurant jobs.


of New Yorkers OPPOSE legislation that would strip power from our elected officials and let unelected, unaccountable “boards” create new regulations for restaurants to comply with.


What are we up against?

Unfortunately, the current political environment favors extremism rather than common sense solutions. That empowers special interests and anti-business lawmakers to push legislation that would hurt local businesses and workers across the state.


Costs have risen and I’m trying to do right by my staff. I’ve been a small business owner for 30 years, and I don’t think Albany realizes how much harder it’s gotten to keep a small business afloat in New York. I just hope they’ll consider how much local businesses mean to their communities, particularly in small towns like mine, before passing legislation that could wipe us out.

Renee Reardon, Restaurant Owner in the Capital Region

Feeding New Yorkers isn’t just my job, it’s what I love to do. I just hope Albany lawmakers can honor us by standing up for our small businesses and creating — rather than killing — jobs.

Cortesia Norman, Restaurant Owner in the Bronx

How can I help?

Stay up to date with updates from NYLB and better yet, contact your local lawmaker to let them know you want common sense policies that create - rather than kill - New York jobs.


Our Coalition


Help us fight these bills to keep prices low and protect New Yorkers from job-killing legislation